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Bike Travelogue Links pages
World Wide Travels | Live Crazy
Guy on a bike Northern Tier 2007 Crazy Guy on a Bike |
Cascade Bicycle Club Bicycle Stories |
DMOZ Travelogues |
Travel to the Horizon Raph de Rooij |
Library Bicycle Travel |
World Wide Shoes | Tavares Travelogue Links | South America Touring Links |
Real Sports Networks | Yahoo Travelogues | Gaerlan Bike Travel Stories |
Bicycle Ride stories 1986 and before | Touring equipment list (J. Colwell) | John Dorsey's Touring links |
Bike | Bicycle the Americas | |
Bicycle Touring 101 | Bent Miles (Online touring magazine) | Ride the Road Peter and Sally Bloomer |
Earth Trek | Bike Travel Info | Back in the World |
Plitkorn | Trento Bike Pages | Tour Tales | Great Photos |
Subscribe to Touring email list by Alex Wetmore Bicycle
Cross Country Tips (Bama Cyclist) Great Site! What to consider, bring, training, thoughts
Across USA
Bill's Big Ride Across America 2009
Harry on his bike, Seattle to Miami 2000
BAMA Cyclist Northern Tour
A Two-Wheeled Journey from Alaska to Argentina to fight Diabetes
Carol & Ken's Cross Country Ramblings
Bicycle Trek - Cross Country Bicycle Tour 1997
San Diego to Seattle Eric Zander 1998
Leo's Cross Country Bike Trip 2005 Leo Nishio
Rapp's Ride for Life 2004
Bike Ride Across America 2005 Bavetta
North Carolina to Washington Summer 2004 Leif Johnson
Bright Future Tour
Across America John Shovelan
John Ballard Memorial Bike Ride coast to coast across USA June 2004
The BIG RIDE 2004
FDNY Cross Country Ride
Gary and Peter ride across America in 2004 (On high wheelers)
James' Cross Country Bike Trip 2004
Trip across the US 1998 Neil Gunton (Over 100 pages of good reading)
The Try, Try again tour 2004
Dave & Jackie Hood's Transcontinental 1988
Tenlinks Bike Across America Roopinder Tara
Jay's Big Ride
Sandy & John's Transcontinental Tandem Tour 2002
Transcontinental Engagement by Bicycle Ben Dugdale
Autumn Bicycle Tour Across America by Jill
Ned's 1985 Transcontinental Trip Daytona Beach, Florida to Portland, Oregon
Frederick E. Van Meerbeke - 1886
Doug's 2002 Cross Country Cycling Trip
2002 Southern PAC Tour on a Tandem
USA Coast to Coast on 2 wheels Rick Vermunt 2003
Kyle, Taku and Greg's Cross Country Bike Ride
Coast to Coast Bicycle Tour 2002 David Johnsen
GASP Gary Nero
Hit Dog
Dave's Bike Tours (Dave Ziccardi)
An Autumn Bicycle Tour Across the US (Salt Lake City, Utah to Syracuse, New York - Fall 2003 by Jill)
Kes and Kris Across the USA 2003
Le Tour De Lawrence St Augustine, FL to San Diego, CA
Jeremy and Lauren across the US
Ride Across America Bob Perkowitz
Ride Across America (Matt Klainer)
Independent Living-Across America (Tim Wheat)
Spokes Women
Cross Country Recumbent Ride
Hit Dog
Cross Country Bike Trip (P. Friedel)
Ampucycle America 2003
Mark and Jen's Summer Bike Trip Need url
Cushwa Family The story of a 9 year old boy and his dad as they cross the USA by bicycle in the Spring of 2003
Mile by Mile with Kyle
The Knickerbocker Shan Speers
Crazy Guy on a Bike Cross Country 2003 Ben Staley
Ride Across America
The Do's Cross Country Trip and numerous other rides
Bike America 2003
Dave Moretz
Friedl/Schmalz Northern Tier 2002
Trans America 2001 Tim Cooke
Lance Rushing "The Big Ride 1998"
The Crossing, Roderick
The Bikeabout (Bruce Graw)
Bike for the Cure
Gensler's Biking Trips
Steve Fox's TC Tour 1979
Dave Hood's TC Tour
Trip Across the USA-In 5 "easy" steps - Dave Bowen
Gig Harbor Washington to Bar Harbor Maine
Route 99, Bob Graham 1999
Coast to Coast 1999, Eric Andersen
Marc's Cross-Country Bicycle Adventure
Young at Heart, A Cross-Country Bicycling Adventure, Bruce Horton
Biking Across America, Joel Spolsky
Crossing the Continent, Pat O'Rourke
Pedaling Paul
Pedal West 2001 - An Epic Cross Country Bicycle Adventure
Cross Country Tandem Trip: A Journal, Rhonda & Dave Fritsch
On The Road For The River, The Cross Country Bike Ride, Kerry Grefig & Becky Rowland
Crossroads My Cross Country Tour
American Cross-Country Cycle Tour 1999 by Richard
Cross Country Cyclist Cyber Adventure
D-RAAM, Dave's Ride Across America
Ben and Tricia's Online Bike Trips
Biking across the USA
Mike & Marilyn's 2001 TransAmerica Bike Trip, Cross Country Ride,
2001 A Vass Odyssey, CC Ride, halted with a tractor trailer accident
America by Bicycle - The Cross Country Challenge (Catherine & Rich)
Wade Anderson Key West to Alaska
Ken & Carol's Cross Country Ramblings
Impressions of a Bicycle Ride across the USA, Volker Radek
Cross Country by Bicycle 2000, Deb & Bob
Kiwis crossing the USA Christine and Madi
Dave & Babak's Cross-Country bicycle trip
Coast to Coast by Recumbent (Glen Elert)
Trans Am Trail
Across the entire USA
Ocean to Ocean on two wheels
Bill & Mary's Cross Country Ride
Cross Country Cyclist
Trans-Am ride (Stephen Harding)
Trans-Am ride NY to LA 1990
Rich's Transcon Summer 1997
From Sea to Sky, Galveston, Tx. to Alaska, Eldon Dales
The great Virginia to Oregon adventure 1997
Dave Mike & Ron ride across North America
America Behind Bars (J. D. Holmes)
Crazy guy on a bike
Vilmar's Great Cycling AdventureOther USA Rides
Preventing Bike Theft During Travel
Insuring You Don't Get Hit
Life Insurance
Types of Protection
Be Prepared: Accidents Do Happen
Ride around Lake Superior Jeff Sambur
Spinning Southward
Steven Hill (Numerous rides)
Buck Brothers Bike Tour (Illinois to Alaska)
Great River Road 2000 Bill Qualls
Michael's Excellent Adventure
Around Lake Michigan Summer 2004 Bob Kastigar (8/12/04)
Around Lake Erie 2004 Jay Singer
North to Alaska Tour Jon Muellner
Raid Pyreneen 2003
Across Wisconsin 2001 Dale Oswald
GRABAAWR 2002 Nanc
Great River Road September 2002 Bill Qualls
Wisconsin Bike Ride August 2001 Bill Qualls
Great Day Rides
Bob Kastigar Chicago to Biloxi, San Francisco to LA, Chicago to Wisconsin Dells, Atlanta to New Orleans
Kalamazoo to Charlevoix to Chicago Mike Kruger
Ed Groth US rides and camping
Grand Illinois Trail 2000 David Johnsen
Alaska Bicycle Tour Summer of 2000 Michael Krabach
Pedal Prayers
Nomadic Research Labs
Bicycling the Big Island Hawaii 1997
Bike trip to and around Lake Huron
Jim Moffitt Lake Michigan, Grand Illinois Trail
Cycling around Lake Huron, Harvey MacHattie, Dylan MacHattie, Stephen Kamnitzer, June 2000
Cycling around Lake Ontario, Harvey MacHattie, Dylan MacHattie, Stephen Kamnitzer, June 1999
Cycling around Lake Erie, Harvey MacHattie, Dylan MacHattie, Stephen Kamnitzer, 2001
Wandering America Jim Damico
Wandering Wickershams
Brain Droppings Christopher Falk
Bike to Shine Jill Homer
Heart of God 2000 mile U Turn
Rich's Painstaking Adventures
Susan Walker's Cycling Tour Archive
Bike Touring Journals Neil & Sharon Anderson
Bicycling with John Rider & Friends
Piddy's Piddyful Peddaling Trip (Ride report along the Mississippi Illinois & Missouri)
Susan's Great Northwest Adventure
Bicycle Tour with Loren
Ride from Ashville N.C. to and through the Canadian Maritimes and back
Jim Vallino's 2003 Cross Country Ride 1996 CC ride Oregon to Maine
Riding the Great Divide (Erin Garvin)
North Bend Washington to Kaukauna Wisconsin - Ken Lettau's Bike Trip
Mickelson Trail ride report, Black Hills of S. Dakota (Arlyn & Sandy Aronson)
A great divide tale (A story from section 4)
Adventure in the Smokies
Oregon to Arizona, Ian Gates
North to Alaska Tour 1990
Southern Exposure 1999
A TOWUP Tale (Touring the Western UP of Michigan) (Arlyn and Sandy Aronson)
Midwest in May - A Bike trip from Champaign to Minneapolis
Alaska trip (Robert Ullman)
Lisa and Bob at the Eastern end of the US
Northward to South hero (A. Freeman)
Florida to Mass. 1999 Trip Roger Donais
501 Mile Central NE Loop Roger Donais
Mass. to Florida return trip Roger Donais
Bike Alaska (Dave)
Lewis and Clark trail by bicycle (new URL)
West Glacier Montana to Jasper, AB bike tour Summer 1994
Solo self contained bicycle tour Chicago to Tennessee (Marc R. Grant)
Cycling the North Cascades Highway (From Pudget Sound to the Idaho border) Josh PutnamAcross Canada
Bill and Michelle's 2004 Cross Canada Trip
Trail Canada James Shearer
Across Canada on a Bike Jan Christensen
Kelly Koome's Trip Reports in BC
The Dempster Highway
1996 bicycle tour of Vancouver Island, western British Columbia, Yukon Territory, and Alaska
Ducky's Banff Trip
Lone Biker Eric Straarup
Trial by Trail, Shayne Rose
Across Canada by Tandem Bicycle
From Sea to Sea, An exploration of Canada by Bicycle Trevor Hennessey
Mike and Karl's Cross Canada Ride
Dave's Cross Canada Bike Trip
Cycle Tour Across Canada
Cross Canada Bicycle Touring Frequently Asked Questions
Across Canada on a Bicycle
A Bicycle Ride Across Canada 1996
Four weeks and 2500km in BC and Alberta
Bike North (Touring Canada)
Tour Du Canada
Mark Lewiecki's Tour de Canada ride report
Our Canadian Cycling Adventure (Grant & Renee)
Canadian Rockies Icefields Rambler Bicycle Tour, July 22-30, 2000, Bruce Wright and Kerie HittEurope
Jobst Brandt Tour of the Alps Collection
Steven Hill (Numerous rides)
360 Ways Touring Europe Christopher Huggins(5/20/05)
Russian Cycle Touring Club
Biking Transcontinental Europe
Pyrenees and Alps 2003
From the Balkans to the Baltics 1989-1991, Marcus L. Endicott
From Cumbria to Umbria Italy 1999
Cycling the Emerald Isle (Ireland)
2001 A Bike Odyssey
Bike About the Mediterranean
Cycling around southern Ireland, Jan
Karl's Planet Central Europe by Bike Karl Andersson
Middle East Tour Misa Kolic
Bicycle Travels in Fjord Norway Anders Wånell
UK End to End Tim Cooke
Austria Danube Trip - Anne & Alex
Lone Biker Eric Straarup
Cycling Sideways in Wales & UK
Greece/Italy 2001, Cycling form Athens to Venice, Wayne Joerding
Unicycle Across Europe
Bicycling through Europe 1998
Tandem to Turkestan
Italy 2000 from Rome to Florence, W. Joerding
London to China (Matt)
Central Spain by Bike, Summer 1999 W. Joerding
Andrea & Mike's Trip to Austria & Bavaria
Mtb coast to coast (Britain)
Tallabomba's Europe to Asia by bike
London to Edinbergh to London - Kent Peterson
Team Snail
Swedish Bike Touring Page
Cycling Coast to Coast (England)
Europe Travelogues
Karl's Europe Travelogues
Bicycling through Europe (Bill & Matt's excellent adventure) 1998
C2C 2000, Across England, Michael Bower
5 months and 5K miles on a bike from London to Istanbul (Jonathan & Melinda's Bicycle Adventure)
Tour of Ireland (Josh Putnam)
Austria Bike Tour August 1999
Travel to bike tours (Minko from the Netherlands)
Cycling in Ireland
A Bicycle Tour of Ireland (J. D. Holmes)
Amsterdam to Budapest by Bike , Martin Brennan
Four Rivers & a tricycle St. Malo to Budapest on a wind cheetah (Pat Foreman)
To the last northern point of russian europeAsia
2001 Seoul-Osaka Bicycle Tour
Inner Asia Tour (Rutman's)
Down the Road Tim and Cindie Travis
A trip around Taiwan by Bike Robert Bloomfield
Cycling around the Moluccas
Bicycling Southern China Pat & Hal Amens
China Bike Ride 1999
Bicycle touring in Central Asia, Bob Egan 1995, 1997
Exploring SE Asia by Bicycle
A different kind of freedom - A 3300 mile solo bicycle ride across Tibet
Vietnam Bike Tour Report, Larry Maloy
Himalayas of Northern India, Steve Pells
Cycling SE Asia with Trackster Man, Pete Jones
The Karakorum Highway
Tibet by Tandem
Stuart Lundy Tour of Nepal
Bike China
China Bike Ride
South East Asia Tour (Mike Kiparsky)
Biking SE Asia, Mr. Pimpy
Korean Cross Country Bicycle Ride 1983
Pakistan and India 1996, Steve Bougerolle
South America
Spinning Southward
Argentina Bicycle Tour 2003
Cycling in South America Iris & Tore
South America Bicycle Touring links
South America by BikeAfrica
Africa Bike Safari (Lajos Jozsa)
5000 km in Namibia and Botswana - MTB expedition in 1998 (Waltraud Schulze and Andy Hessberg)
Friends Bicycle Across Africa for World Trade Center Victim
Tour de Afrique 2005
Australia/New Zealand
Tim Guy's Australian Transcontinental Tour
Cycling the Stuart Highway Fernando Candido
Touring Australia on a LoGo Andrew & Joanne
New Zealand Bike Diary (Rick Segreda)
2001-A(nother) Bike Odyssey, David & Linda
Bike trip around New Zealand (Ducky)Other Rides
Wadachi Japan
Erick Lamontagne's touring pages
Bike Tours Martin Jost
Wandering the World Jim Damico
Leo Geary Bicycle Trip Journals
Across 3 Continents by Bicycle
Ride the Road Peter and Sally Bloomer Around the world on two wheels
World Cycle UK Phil White
50 Years of Cycle Touring Terrance McKenzie
Around the world in 11 years Pushkar Shah
Explore the world by bicycle Norman Ford
Collection of Bicycle Tours Karl Brodowsky
Daniel's Cycling Page
Bicycle Touring Around the World The 7 year budget travel bike tour
Cycling around the world
Bicycle Journal Michael Hallinan
Kevin Foster's World
Tobias Fischnaller
Free Wheelin
Cycle the World Chris & Ben
Costa Rica Trip Report Steve Cisler 1993
Bike it Solo Alaska to Argentina
Cycling around the world, Emi & Steve
Mike's Travel Logs
Round the World 7 year tour, Tim & Cindie Travis
Wandering Wickershams
Globe Cyclo Aventure
Bike Tours El Camino
Dave Hood's Adventures
Bicycle tour to Alaska & Beyond Joe Villari
World Tripping
Wade's Vision Quest Journal
A Trip Down the Great Divide, John
Cycling Trips, Wim Van Der Linden
Ecuador - California 1997
Steve's Amazing Bike Trip, Steve Leroux
A Cross-Country Bike Trip, A. Clowes
Mountain Bike Trip through the Canadian Rockies, Reed Maxwell
John Stamstad's Great Divide Mountain Bike Challenge
Bike Touring Circa 1980, Matt Coles
Human Powered Expeditions
Wind in the Face Expedition, The Romp Family 1999
Bike Brats, Around the world with 2 pairs of underwear
Mike and Jodie's World Bike Journey
Back to the Badlands, Tom's Dakota Bike Trip 2000
Cykel Sommer
Bike About, Gregory Luck
Freedom's Travels
Jon's Bike Trip
Mike Vermeulen
American Radonneur RUSA
Impressions from Bicycle Travels
Ray Poore's Travelogues
Warby's Worldly Wanderings
Girl with a Bike
Bon Ton Roulet 2001
Lonebiker, Erik Straarup
Roger Kramer's Favorite Cycling Tours
2001 tour with an 11 year old
Philip Gerding
Brant Clements
Caryl and Brian's Worldwide Bike Tour
Jim Foreman Bicycle Touring
Velo Travels
Wandering the World (Jim Damico)
Bicycle Touring Zone
Ride Report (Denver C. Fox)
The Worldwide Bicycle Tour Directory
Ken Kifer's Bicycle Camping and Touring
Bike the World with Ian Burn's
Chuck Anderson's travel stories (New URL)
Cycling Sideways (Touring resource for Wales & UK)
Mountain Bike Travelogues Yahoo
Travel to the horizon (Old url)
Travel to the Horizon (New url)
In the slow lane - Travel by Bicycle by Robert
Judy Colwell's touring page
Hostelling International
Tom Swenson's Bicycle touring web
Mark Boyd's Touring page
Tours - Cross Roads Cycling Adventures
Yvonne Van den Hork's ride page
Ron's great divide bicycle expedition
Tom Enlow's Ride from Washington State to Idaho
John Dorsey Bike
Metalcowboy (Book by Joe Kumaskie)
Mitchell, Larry
Donais, Roger
MikeBike, (Mike Bedard)
Bike Nomad (Ned Konz)
Tailwinds - Grand Adventures (Ed Noonan)
Cycling around the world (Paul Van Roekel)
Patagonia 1998 (Erhard Kraus)
Million Mile Man (Danny Chew)
20 Summers of Bike Tours (Chuck Tharp)
Tom's bicycle touring web, Tom Swenson
Bicycling Central and Southern British Columbia and the Canadian Rockies, Jan Himmerkus
Nordic Bike Tours
Warm Showers
Marc Zoutendijk (In Dutch)
Thomas Schleicher
Jan Boonstra
Steve and Jean's World tour
Michael's Bike Trip
If you would like your trip report added or there are
incorrect or dead links please email me.
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Last update 4/16/2017
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